ZEN-Core B67 Collection 1-2 Bundle
B67 Collection1-2: bundle of Collection 1 and 2: 215 ZEN Core Tones + 7 Template (INI) Tones
Banks collection in .SVZ format loadable on all Roland software and synths compatible with the ZEN-Core standard.
Software: Zenology - Zenology Pro - ZenBeat (with ZC1 player)
Pianos: FP-E50, RD-88, RD-08
Synth: AX-Edge, Fantom-06/07/08, Fantom-6/7/8, Juno-X, Jupiter-X/Xm, Juno-D6/7/8
Groovebox: MC-101, MC-707, VERSELAB MV-1
Wind Instruments: Aerophone AE-20, Aerophone Pro AE-30
Guitar Synth: GM-800
Music Creation Keyboard: GO:KEYS 3/5
The bank also includes the version ( *.bin) with the reverb parameters programmed specifically for each sound: this bank can only be used with the Zenology software starting from version 2.0.
The collection includes, among the various sounds:
- 53 ZEN-Core tones containing 4-voice melodic and rhythmic sequences, synchronized with the scene BPM. thanks to the simultaneous use of 8 STEP-LFOs (2 per partial) and 128 overall steps
- 32 linear FM tones, some created with 4 operators (double carrier-modulating pair) and some composed of a pair of FM partials and partial PCM
-30 Bass Synth tones
- more then 50 Pad, PolySynth, Lead and Choir tones
Video Demo (all sounds in the videos are ZEN-Core and present in the ZEN-Core B67 Collection 1-2 Bundle)
B67 Collection1-2: bundle delle Collection 1 e 2: 215 toni ZEN Core + 7 Template (INI) Tones
Collezione in formato .SVZ caricabile su tutti i software e synth Roland compatibili con lo standard ZEN-Core.
Software: Zenology - Zenology Pro - ZenBeat (tramite il player ZC1)
Pianoforti: FP-E50, RD-88, RD-08
Synth: AX-Edge, Fantom-06/07/08, Fantom-6/7/8, Juno-X, Jupiter-X/Xm
Groovebox: MC-101, MC-707, VERSELAB MV-1
Wind Instruments: Aerophone AE-20, Aerophone Pro AE-30
Guitar Synth: GM-800
Music Creation Keyboard: GO:KEYS 3/5
Il banco comprende anche la versione ( *.bin) con i parametri di riverbero programmati ad hoc per ogni suono: tale banco è utilizzabile solo con il software Zenology a partire dalla versione 2.0.
La collezione contiene, tra i vari suoni:
- 53 Toni ZEN-Core contenenti sequenze melodiche e ritmiche a 4 voci, sincronizzate con il BPM di scena. grazie all'utilizzo simultaneo di 8 STEP-LFO (2 per parziale) e 128 step complessivi
- 32 Toni in FM lineare, in parte realizzati con 4 operatori (doppia coppia portante-modulante) e in parte composti da una coppia di parziali in FM e parziali PCM
- 30 Toni Bass Synth